Astiz Lab

Laboratory of Circadian Physiology | Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

Sylvia Newbold, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

I joined the Astiz Lab in 2024, as a postdoctoral researcher on the ‘StartTicking’ ERC project. My work in the lab is focused on characterizing the developmental trajectory of the SCN with single-cell resolution and to unravel the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that underlie the functional maturation of the circadian system. I am interested in understanding how the SCN, a highly heterogeneous and tightly packed population of cells, assembles through development and how we can harness this knowledge for developing real-life interventions. 
My interest in neuroscience began during my BSc years, as I did a year professional placement in the psychiatry department at Yale University. In 2015 I graduated from the University of Bath with a BSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology. I then went on to do my PhD at Cardiff University with a scholarship from the Wellcome Trust.  For my PhD I worked with Dr. Martinez-Garay on the role of Pcdh19 in cortical development.  After my PhD, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Medical University of Vienna, on the astrocytes of the SCN. The intersection between my neurodevelopment-oriented PhD and my first postdoctoral experience in a lab with hypothalamic expertise was the perfect spring-board to land in the Astiz Lab. 
I particularly love the fact that this job allows me to move around internationally and meet researchers from all over the world, whilst doing cool experiments!  In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors in nature to recharge the batteries. Cycling, hiking and climbing are some of my favourite activities.